The notes listed below are technical supplements to the primary technical documentation, which you can find in the BOINC Trac wiki.
These notes are not for volunteers who want to contribute time on
their computers to BOINC projects, except for those few whow are
interested in the technical details of how BOINC works,
or who
want to build their own version of the BOINC client from source code.
If you want to learn more about how to run the BOINC client on your
computer and how to participate in projects that use BOINC, then visit
the main BOINC web site at U.C. Berkeley, at
BOINC Client Software
Creating a BOINC Project
(You may need to right-click to download if your browser does not
render it well).
Creating BOINC Applications
Copyright © 2023 by Spy Hill Research | | (served by | Last modified: 08 January 2023 |